All State Ration Card Uttar Pardesh Govt Yojana

UP Ration Card Application Form 2021 – Apply Now Online – Full Process

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Full Process for UP Ration Card Application Form 2021 Application Form – Apply Online: Uttar Pradesh ration card application form is available on the UP FCS website. Anyone can now apply for the UP Ration card. Here at the we have given brief details about applying the form on FCS portal. Before going through the application process you must read this full article to know all the details about UP Ration Card Application Form Process.

UP Ration Card Application Form

Uttar Pradesh Ration Card Govt Details

Name of scheme UP Ration Card
Beneficiary Providing subsidized food to all poor in the state
The department Food and Safety Department
Name of scheme Uttar Pradesh Ration Card
Launched by Government of Uttar Pradesh
Target class State government scheme
Government website
Ration card list Click Here

UP Ration Card Application Form

Uttar Pradesh govt has provided the UP Ration Card to give the food to all the poor family in the State. You can apply for the Uttar Pradesh Ration card and after that you can also take the advatage of this govt scheme.

Before applying for the new UP ration card you must know all the details and required documents and you also must be eligible for the Ration Card. So let’s check out the eligibility criteria and Required document for the FCS 2021 Ration Card and FCS/ UP Ration card application form process.

Types of Uttar Pradesh Ration Card

Uttar Pradesh govt has divided the FCS ration card into three categories-

1. APL Ration Card

Antodaya Ration Card is issued for the poorest family. In this category, there are older unemployed people who do not have a stable income. These ration cards are yellow in color

2. Antodaya Ration Card

APL Ration Cards are issued for people above the poverty line. Any citizen can apply for APL Ration Card, there is no income limit and the color of the card is orange.

3. BPL Ration Card

BPL Ration Cards are issued for people below the poverty line. BPL ration cards are colored red.

Required Document for UP Ration Card Application Form

Here are the list of all the documents you can use while filling the Uttar Pradesh Ration Card application form.

  • Aaadhaar Card.
  • Bank Statement or Passbook Copy.
  • Pan Card.
  • Passport Size Photograph ( Not older than 3 months).
  • The income Certificate.
  • New Electricity Bill.
  • Mobile Number.
  • Applicant Caste Certificate.
  • Gas connection passbook.

You are going to need these documents and details to fill your UP Ration Card Form.

Eligibility for UP Ration Card Application

You can apply the form and get the UP ration card only when you are eligible for this. Here are the detials which will get you know the eligibility criteria.

Here is the eligiblity details-

  • Ration Cardholder family should be Live in the Uttar Pradesh State.
  • The Family should have only 1 Ration card, Means doesn’t hold any other state ration card at the same time.
  • Only the BPL family is eligible for the Ration card.
  • Ration Card will be issued with the name of the head of the House.

How to Apply for UP Ration Card Application Form?

UP citizens can apply the UP ration card on Offline Mode and the older ration holder can apply for the renewal of their ration card.

Here is the process for UP Ration card application process-

  • First you will have to go to the official UP ration card portal which is known as the Click on the link.
  • Now from the Menu bar download UP Ration Card Application.
up ration card application
  • Now on the next page, there will be three forms known as-
    • Ration card application form for (migrant workers)
    • Ration card application form (for rural area)
    • Ration card application form (for urban area)
  • Download your UP ration card form now.
  • Now printout the form and fill it with your correct information and attach the required documents.

Remember these things while Registration for the UP Ration Card-

  • UP Ration card can be apply only offline mode there is no online mode available till yet.
  • Form must be submited to the CSC , Tehsil or concerned office designated by the authority
  • There are seprate Ration card for the rural and urban.
  • Ration card form must be attach with the required documents.
  • Application with the false or wrong information will be reject.

Help desk For UP Ration Card

If you are still facing any problem while UP Ratoin Card Application Form for New Ration card then you can contact for help on these number.

  • Toll-free number: 1800 1800 150
  • Toll-free number: 1967

you can send theme letter on this address-

  • Commissioner, Food and Logistics Department U.P., Second Floor, Jawahar Bhawan, Lucknow (U.P), 226001

Important Links

Official website
UP Ration Card List 2021 Click Here
Form for Migrant Worker Click Here
UP Ration card Form for rural areas Click Here
Ration Card Form urban areas Click Here

Freqently Asked Qeestions.