Online Ration Card Goa 2021
How to apply for ration Card in Goa | Information about Ration Card Goa | Online Ration Card Goa 2021 – Application Process, Surrender Certificate, Duplicate, Correction/ Name Change, and Address- The government of Goa has provided an online facility for the citizens of Goa inducing Canacona, Mapusa, Margao, Panjim (Panaji), Ponda and Vasco-da-Gama. In Goa Ration Card related activities are functioned by the Department of Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs. All the information and rules regarding Ration Card have been clearly mentioned on the official portal of the Department of Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Goa.

Department of Ration Card Goa
Department Name– Department of Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs
Address- Department of Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, 1st Lift 2nd Floor, Junta House, Panaji, Goa
Phone No.– 0832 2226084
Official Website URL–
Activities by Department of Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Goa
A. Renewal of Ration Card Goa (after 5 years)-
Ration cards issued in the State are periodically renewed every five years. For the renewal, each cardholder is required to submit the necessary declaration in the prescribed proforma (copy enclosed) to the respective office of Mamlatdar/ Talathi. The new card will be issued after 3-4 months of surrender of the old card.
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B. Issue of New Ration Card Goa-
Every family residing in this State is entitled to a ration card. Two types of Ration Card are issued by the Govt.- Temporary Card or Permanent Card.
Temporary Ration Card Goa-
Temporary Cards are issued to families coming from other states and residing in the states. After some time permanent card will be issued by the government. A temporary ration card is valid for three months but it can be extended with sufficient justification to a maximum of 6 months after which the validity of the card expires permanently.
Permanent Ration Card Goa-
Families who come on the Families who come to the State on transfer, migration, etc. can obtain a permanent ration card from the State. The application should be accompanied by a necessary cancellation certificate from the other State from where the applicant is migrating.
Application Procedure of Ration Card Goa-
Application for New Ration Card can be made online through the official website or link provided here.
1. Applicant has to make a simple application along with the declaration form. Fill in the details in the Annexure “H” Declaration.
- Select the Taluka Name from the drop-down list.
- Select Village Name & FPS Name.
- Enter the necessary details like Email ID, Old Ration card No., Ward, Aadhar, Mobile No. Monthly income etc.
- Enter the Bank Account Details Like Bank Name, Account Number, IFSC Code, Gas Connection, etc.
- Enter the Details of the Members of the family.
- After filling in the complete details, Enter the Captcha Image in the required box.
- Click on the submit Option.
2. Attach the Cancellation Certificate obtained from the concerned Taluka Mamlatdar (Applicable, in case of Permanent Ration Card)
3. If the applicant is applying for the first time then photograph along with the affidavit of stating that the applicant and his family members do not have any ration card before.
New Ration Card will be issued within 7 days.
Procedure for Cancellation of Name from Ration Card Goa-
Deletion of name is done in case of death and/or if the person likes to cancel his name from the card-
- A simple application in plain paper needs to submit. In case of death, the Head of the family may submit the necessary death certificate and In case of other deletion, the applicant himself submits a simple application for deletion.
- In case of death, the Head of the family may submit the necessary death certificate.
- Enclose the original Ration Card.
The Cancellation Certificate is issued within 2 days after due deletion of name in the Ration Card.
Inclusion of family Member Name in Ration Card Goa-
Additional names will be included in the card only in the case of the persons who are staying in the same house. Usually, in the case of Birth of Child or Marriage, an additional procedure is needed. So Birth Certificate and Marriage Proof will also be required. The Mamlatdar, after due verification, will issue a necessary certificate for the additional names in the concerned card.
Change Address in Ration Card Goa-
In the case, the address has been changed or residing at an address other than mentioned in the Ration Card then the applicant needs to update the Ration Card with the new address. The family needs to submit the application on plain paper with the old card. In case an address change is within the service area of the F.P.S. and FPS within the Taluka then the declaration form should also be attached.
How to Get Surrender Certificate in case of Transfer to other City/ Place-
In case the applicant gets transferred to another city within Goa or other places then for New Ration Card at the new place, a Surrender Certificate will be required. To get the Surrender Certificate, a simple application form in plain paper along with the ration card is to be submitted to the respective Mamlatdar of the old place. That Mamlatdar will issue a cancellation/surrender certificate immediately.
Obtaining Duplicate Ration Card Goa-
Procedure for obtaining Duplicate Ration Card is as under-
- Apply on plain paper.
- Enclose the Certificate from the concerned Fair Price Shop.
- Enclose an affidavit giving details of family members, residential address, and reasons for seeking a duplicate ration card.
- Attach a copy of a Challan of Rs.1/- deposited in the treasury.
- After getting the report from the Fair Price Shop, a duplicate ration card will be issued within 7 days.
Time Duration for Ration Card Goa-
1. Inclusion/ Deletion of family/members (by representation to Area Rationing Office)
- The same day on presentation of ration cards with required proofs (wherever necessary)
- Within seven days if physical verification is necessary (for additions)
2.) Change in address within jurisdiction of the same FPS – Same Day
3.) Change in address within jurisdiction of the same FPS – Seven Working Day
4.) Issuance of surrender certificate on transfer of family to other city or otherwise – Two Working Days
5.) Issuance of new ration card within the State (with surrender certificate) – Seven Working Days
6.) Issue of new ration cards in case of change of State (with surrender certificate) – Two Weeks
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