Ration Card in Nagaland
Ration Card in Nagaland | Update Ration Card in Nagaland | Apply For Ration Card on Nagaland | How to Check List of Ration Card in Nagaland | Application Process of Ration Card Nagaland- Nagaland State Government issue the Ration Card to its citizens for the biometric identification and Ration card is issued to the population by identifying in 3 categories- Above Poverty Line, Below Poverty Line, Antyodaya Anna Yojana. This process is done by the Food and Civil Supplies officials and Municipal/ Town Committee Members in urban & rural area.

Ration Card Types in Nagaland
In Nagaland, various types of Ration Cards with different colors are being supplied to citizens. Let’s take a look at these Ration Card Types and their uses-
- A special Red coloured Ration Card is allotted to the Below Poverty Line families. They are entitled to 35kgs of foodgrains per month, either Rice or Wheat or a combination of both at subsidized prices.
- A distinctive Blue Coloured Ration Card has been issued to all identified Antyodaya Anna Yojana beneficiaries. They are also entitled to 35kgs of food grains per month, either Rice or Wheat or a combination of both at subsidized prices.
- Families under Annapurna Yojana authorised to have a Green Coloured Card with the logo of an old man on it. It is a Scheme for destitute indigent senior Citizens of age 65 years and above who are entitled to national Old Age Pension but not Covered. The beneficiaries are entitled to 10kgs of Rice per month free of cost. This Scheme is 100% sponsored by the government of India.
- APL Ration Card is being issued to all the Citizens on demand provided all the required information have been correctly given.
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Download BPL/ Antyodaya/ Annapurna Beneficiary List-
List of BPL Families having the benefit of BPL Ration Cards in State Nagaland, list of Antyodaya Anna Yojana Beneficiaries and Annapurna Beneficiary List is available on department’s website.
First of all, you have to visit https://nfsa.gov.in/State/NL after that you will find information about Nagaland ration cards like department details and the official website.
click on the website and then you can get information about ration card nagaland.
Nagalang Ration Card Issuing Authority-
Department Name- Department of Food & Civil Supplies
Address- Director of Food & Civil Supplies, Nagaland, Dimapur.
Phone No.- 233347, 2230686, 2234165
E-mail- [email protected], [email protected]
Official Website – http://fcsnagaland.gov.in/
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