Full Process for Uttarakhand Ration Card Application Form 2021: Uttarakhand ration card application form is available at the UK FCS website online. Any Uttarakhand resident can apply for a ration card through this website. Here on bharatyojana.in we are going to explain to you step by step complete process for the Ration Card application. Before directly going for an application, you must read this article thoroughly to understand all the steps of the application.

Uttar Pradesh Ration Card Govt Details
Name of scheme | Uttarakhand Ration Card |
Beneficiary | Providing subsidized food to all poor people in the state |
The department | Food and Safety Department |
Name of scheme | Uttarakhand Ration Card |
Launched by | Government of Uttarakhand |
Target class | State government scheme |
Government website | fcs.uk.gov.in |
Ration card list | Click Here |
Uttarakhand Ration Card Application Form
Uttarakhand State issues Ration Card for the poor people who can’t afford high rates of essentials food supplies like Rice, Wheat, and much more. To take benefits of this scheme firstly, you have to apply for UK
ration card.
Before applying for UK new ration card you must know all the details and required documents and you also must be eligible for the Ration Card. So let’s check out the eligibility criteria and Required document for the FCS Uk 2021 Ration Card and FCS Ration card application form process.
Types Of Ration Card of Uttarakhand
Unlike other states, Uttarakhand has Five types of Ration Cards issued by the government. These categories depend upon the economical status and number of family members in the house of the applicant/cardholder.
- APL Ration Card
- BPL Ration Card
- SFY Ration Card
- AAY Ration Card
- AY Ration Card
- Above Poverty Line (APL) Ration Card: The colour of APL Ration Card is Yellow colour, this ration card is issued to those who are above the poverty line and have an average income of Rs. 1,50,000
- Below Poverty Line (BPL) Ration Card: The colour of BPL Ration Card is White Colour, this ration card is issued to those who are below the poverty line and have an average income of Rs. 24,000
- State Food Yojana (SFY) Ration Card: The colour of SFY Ration Card is White colour, this card is issued to those who are average income is below Rs. 15,000
- Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) Ration Card: The colour of AAY Ration Card is Pink colour, this card only issued to those citizens who are Landless, illiterate, labourers, Craftsmen, marginal farmers, artisans, widows, sick persons, disabled adults.
- Annapurna Yojana (AY) Ration Card: The colour of AY Ration Card is Green colour, this ration card is issued to only those Senior Citizens who are above 60 or 65 years of age and not receiving any pension facilities.
Eligibility for Uttarakhand Ration Card Application
You can apply the form and get the Uttarakhand ration card only when you are eligible for this. Here are the details which will get you know the eligibility criteria.
Here is the eligiblity details-
- The ration Cardholder family should be residents of Uttarakhand State.
- The Family should have only one Ration card, which means you shouldn’t hold any other state ration card at the same time.
- Only the BPL family is eligible for the Ration card.
- Ration Card will be issued with the name of the head of the House.
How to Apply for UK Ration Card Application Form?
Uttarakhand citizens can apply the Uttarakhand ration card on Offline Mode and the older ration holder can apply for the renewal of their ration card.
Here is the process for Uttarakhand Ration card application process-
- Firstly you have to visit the official website of the food department of Uttarakhand state through the below-given link
- Official website link: fcs.uk.gov.in
- On the Home, tab click on the ‘Services’ then hover your mouse to the option in the menu bar and click on the ‘New Application’ option

- From here you can download the application form and take a print of it and fill it. Attach the required documents to the form while submitting it.
Remember these things while Registration for the Uttarakhand Ration Card-
- Uttarakhand Ration card can be applied only offline mode there is no online mode available till yet.
- The form must be submitted to the CSC, Tehsil, or concerned office designated by the authority
- Ration card form must be attached with the required documents.
- Application with false or wrong information will be rejected.
Help desk For Uttarakhand Ration Card
If you are still facing any problem while Uttarakhand Ration Card Application Form for New Ration card then you can contact for help on these number.
- Helpline Number : 0135-2653159
Frequently Asked Questions
Can we apply Apply online for Uttarakhand Ration Card?
No, you can just download the application form online but complete an online application is not possible. Offline application is the only way for ration card application.
How to check Uttarakhand Ration Card list?
All the citizens of Uttarakhand who applied for the ration card can check the Uttarakhand ration card list from the official site: fsc.uk.gov.in
You can check our post on this issue through this link: https://www.bharatyojana.in/uttarakhand-ration-card-list/