उत्तराखंड स्वरोजगार योजना ऑनलाइन रजिस्ट्रेशन 2021: Pravasi Swarojgar Yojana Registration Full Details: During this lock-down Indian has faced a lot of problems. Many migrant labours who have reached their village or city in Uttrakhand so they are not having any employment, So the CM of UK Trivendra Sign has announced a loan scheme. Now with the help of Pravasi Swarojgar Yojana, all labours can take the loan from the government and start their own business or work. In this article, we will tell you all the information about Pravasi Swarojgar Yojana.

Uttarakhand Pravasi Swarojgar Scheme
Under this Uttarakhand Pravasi Swarojgar Yojana loan will be provided 10 lakh for service sectors and 25 lakh for in manufacturing sectors. Ther are so many benefits for India. The Pravasi Swarojgar Scheme scheme will encourage the Indian people to start their star-up and they will become entrepreneurs. This Uttarakhand Pravasi Swarojgar Scheme will be also helpful for the Make in Inda Yojana. f the migrant labourers who come back from the state want to apply for availing the Uttarakhand Pravasi Swarojgar 2021, then they can apply both online and offline. For the online application under this scheme, all the migrant labourers will have to apply on the official website of the government and to apply offline, download the application form and submit.
Highlights of the Uttarakhand Pravasi Swarojgar Scheme
Scheme Name | Pravasi Swarojgar Yojana |
Benefits | Loan |
Start By | UK CM Trivendra Rawat |
Beneficiary | Migrant Labour of Uttarakhand |
Scheme Type | Providing loans to migrant labourers |
Start Date | 29 May 2021 |
Category | Uttarakhand |
Official Site | https://doiuk.org/ |
Other Scheme | Manav Sampada Portal |
Benefits of the Pravasi Swarojgar Yojana
- All the benefits are for the resident of the UK State
- The government will get the loan migrant labours to start their own business and services.
- Pravasi Swarojgar Yojana 2021 scheme is encouraging people to be entrepreneurial and self-employment.
- This scheme is promoting the Make in India Scheme which is running by the Central Government.
- Under this scheme, the maximum cost of the project in the manufacturing sector will be Rs 25 lakh and the maximum cost for the service and business sector will be Rs 10 lakh.
- Under the scheme, funding facility will be available in the industry, service and business sectors.
- Interested beneficiaries have to apply to avail of this scheme.
- For publicity of the Mukhyamantri Swarozgar Yojana, the government directed the officials that the information of this scheme should be sent to the villages so that the youth can avail the benefits of this Pravasi Swarojgar Scheme.
Eligibility and Application Process for Pravasi Swarojgar Yojana
The applicant should be at least 18 years of age under the scheme. Educational qualification is not required. Under the scheme, financing facility will be available in the industry, service and business sectors. The applicant or his family member will be benefited only once under the scheme. Selection of beneficiaries will be done on first come first serve basis in view of the project on receiving more applications.
This is the process of application,
The applicant has to go to the General Manager and District Industries Centers or apply online. The Directorate of Industries will be the nodal department under the control of MSME Department for implementation of the scheme. The District Industries Center will implement the scheme at the district level.
Steps taken towards reverse migration
The Pravasi Swarojgar Scheme has been started with the reverse migration of migrants returning to Uttarakhand. Uttarakhand will provide self-employment opportunities to the returning migrants due to the state’s enterprising youth and Kovid-19. This will encourage skilled and unskilled artisans, handicrafts and unemployed youths to start their own business.
Required Documents for the Pravasi Swarojgar Yojana
Here is the list of all the documents which are required in the Pravasi Swarojgar Yojana. Here is the documents list-
- Project report of Your Business
- Ration Card/ Resident card/ Aadhar card/Voter ID/ Driving licence (Any one of this)
- Technical / Educational certificate
- Date of Birth Certificate
How to Apply for Uttarakhand Pravasi Swarojgar Yojana?
There is the two option to apply for the Pravasi Swarojgar Yojana. First one one is online apply method and second is Offline apply method.
How to Apply Online for Pravasi Swarojgar Yojana?
Follow the below instruction to apply for Pravasi Swarojgar Yojana registration–
- First, visit the official website of the Pravasi Swarojgar Yojana Click Here https://doiuk.org/

- Now You will have to download the Pravasi Swarojgar Yojana Form
- Now print out the form and read all the form carefully and fill your correct information
- Now attach your all the required documents with it.
- After completing all the details take your form to the nationalized banks, state cooperative banks, regional rural banks, and other scheduled banks and submit it there.
- Done, Now when your application will be approved then you will get your loan.
How to Apply Offline for Pravasi Swarojgar Yojana ?
If you are not having computer then you can also fill this form in offline mode. Follow my below guidance to Pravasi Swarojgar Yojana registration–
- First, you will have to go to the nationalized banks, state cooperative banks, regional rural banks, and other scheduled banks.
- After going to bank ask for Pravasi Swarojgar Yojana form from the bank employee.
- Take the form and read all the form carefully and fill your correct information
- Now attach your all the required documents with it.
- After completing all the details take your form to the nationalized banks, state cooperative banks, regional rural banks, and other scheduled banks and submit it there.
- Done, Now when your application will be approved then you will get your loan.
Pravasi Swarojgar Yojana Form
You can downloa the form from here Pravasi Swarojgar Yojana Form.
Form is look like this-

After filling the form here is an shapath patra-

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